Sunday 29 May 2016

Singles Only: 10 silly mistakes women make when they fall in love too fast

When most woman fall in love, they tend to go overboard with it and finds themselves making the most common mistakes people rushing for love make. Let's take a look at 10 of those mistakes.

Happy coupleplay
Happy couple

1.) Completely forgets how to be alone

Once a woman falls in love, everything immediately becomes a "we" and an "us" affair. Which isn’t supposed to be the case. She should never let go of her independence or forget the role it plays in her happiness.

2.) Rush into sex

Realize it's your body and things should be at your pace. Love doesn't have to mean sex immediately. Speeding into the sheets because you call him your "bae" is a rookie love mistake.

3.) Abandon your friends

Of course, your girls will understand if you go MIA for a while when a great new love enters your life. But if you choose to get lost in love and give up on friendships altogether, that’s a decision they won’t be as likely to forgive—and will definitely not forget.
Love on social mediaplay
Love on social media

4.) Become Mrs. Do all

Just because you found a new love doesn't mean plans for vacations, luxury trips and couple dates should be made immediately. It's great to do these things as long as you're not trying to do them all back-to-back.

5.) Plan your entire life together

Daydreaming about your wedding before you celebrate your one-year dating anniversary is rarely a good sign. If you focus on growing your love today, the future will have hope.

6.) Compromise when you really don't have to

Allowing him to lord over things that secretly drive you mad in the name of love is not how you build an unbreakable relationship. Your standards matter from the start – someone who truly love you won’t ask you to compromise them.
Happy Coupleplay
Happy Couple

7.)Make his dreams more important

Yes, his hopes and dreams do matter, but not more than yours. Remember you have to be happy before you can be one half of a happy couple.

8.) Go crazy on social media

Before giving him a starring role on Instagram, be sure he’s ready to be your leading man.  Filling your feed with “ussies” could backfire if you’re rushing a connection that may not be built to last. Once you go public, there’s no turning back.

9.) Rush the parental introductions/visits

Meeting the parents happens organically when you relax and let love takes its course. Rushing quality time with his mom before he’s ready (or she is) can sometimes backfire big time.

10.) Blow off all the other guys

While we’re not advocating dating multiple guys at the same time, cutting every other man you know, or was romantically linked to, out of your life too soon may make for many awkward apologies later, especially if they were friends worth having.

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