Sunday 1 May 2016

The Altar: Increased Faith..

Seek Daily (NBC)

Sunday, May 1

Luke 17:1-10


"If you have faith... you can say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted... and it will obey you." Luke 17:6, NIV

Faith in God is the foundation for great works. The disciples of Christ, some uneducated, led the church to become a force to reckoned with globally because they had faith. God performed wonders through the disciples in the early church. The Gospel spread fast, cultural barrier were broken and outstanding miracles took place.

Like the disciples in the passage, we probably have expectations of a certain level of faith we must attain before we can be used by God. While it is true that we must grow in faith, even the smallest seed of faith in use is very potent. The power to do exploits comes from connecting to God by faith (Daniel 11:32b).

Faith is not just doing the miraculous, it also applies to personal issues too. It works in our academics, family, relationships and health. No matter how deeply rooted the problem is, by faith it can be uprooted. As you hear and obey God on 'little' issues in your life, your faith would actually begin to grow because you will experience God's power. Faith increases when we obey the faithful God.

Pray with this: The Lord will make you His mount Zion and create upon your dwelling place a cloud and smoke by day, and the shinning of a flaming fire by night. There will be a maximum protection upon your glory. Isaiah 4:5

RBT Passage: 2 Sam. 1, 2; Luke 22:28-53

The practicality and radicalism of your faith gives you greater access to the mercy seat of Yahweh
- Tim-Hope.


Bless others by sharing, build your life by reading and reflection on it.

Good morning. Happy new month. Happy May Day. Happy Sunday.

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