Tuesday 28 June 2016


Seek Daily NBC

Tuesday, June 28

John 15:18-27


If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. John 15:18, NIV

Hatred and love are part of Jesus cardinal teachings. Hatred is a strong aversion, and an intense dislike expressed either in speech or action to someone. Love is, however, an intense feeling of affection and care towards another person. The two are visible around us today. People either hate or love for many reasons. Apparently, Jesus condemned the exhibition of hatred towards another person in today’s passage. He even warned Christians to be aware of this in His speech (v. 20).

The world may hate you because they first hated Jesus and because we are not of the world. If we choose to live godly and stand for Christ, we may become objects of hatred. This should not be strange to us, Jesus had earlier told us; “If we can endure till the end, we shall reign with Him...” (2 Timothy 2:12), but if we fall, it means our faith is small. The only way you can be encouraged to move on in the Lord despite hatred and discouragement is by focusing on the love of God. Tarry more; we will soon see the Lord.

• Birthday Blessing: Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear. Isa 65:24

RBT Passage: 2 Chr. 11, 12, 13; Acts 5:17-42

Scars are not signs of weakness; they are signs of survival and endurance. — Rodney A. Winters
Favour will speaks for  you today, unsolicited help will come your way and God's angel will minister healing to you in jesus name. Good day.

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