Wednesday 29 June 2016

Yes, Whosoever Will | Daniel S. Warner

  1. Oh, why should I be lost,
    So careless meet my doom?
    I hear a loving voice
    Inviting me to come.
    • Refrain:
      Yes, whosoever will
      May freely come to God;
      ’Tis mercy calling still,
      Come, sinner, to the blood.
  2. The Spirit and the bride,
    And angels ’round the throne,
    Assure me Jesus died
    That I may freely come.
  3. I know that God is love,
    He freely gave His Son,
    Who intercedes above,
    That I may truly come.
  4. I hear the strong appeal
    From my Redeemer’s throne,
    And in my heart I feel
    That even I may come.
  5. Yes, whosoever will,
    Thy word, O Lord, I own;
    Though near the brink of hell,
    All heaven bids me come.

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