Monday 27 June 2016

Youth Is the Time | Barney E. Warren........Music

  1. Youth is the time to serve the Lord,
    While the heart is tender;
    Come and receive a great reward,
    Here and over yonder.
    Remember what the Savior said:
    “I am the true and living Bread”;
    Though hungry, weak, you shall be fed—
    Come, no more to wander.
  2. Youth is the time, and, oh, how true:
    “Evil days” are coming;
    If you delay, they’ll capture you;
    Sinner, heed the warning.
    Soon you will say, “I can’t repent,”
    When all your life in sin is spent,
    Down to eternal woe you’re bent,
    Heaven’s mercy scorning.
  3. Give me your all this very day,
    Son and daughter, dearest;
    Come, or you’ll perish far away,
    Come while you are nearest.
    Youth is the time to make a start,
    Then, sinner, harden not your heart;
    Come, for the Lord may soon depart;
    Come while hope is clearest.

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