Monday 18 July 2016

Corruption: When Will Nigeria Get Serious?

Corruption-BeautifulSIR: On May 14, 2014, a former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was sentenced to six years in prison. The judge also fined him one million shekels about 289,000 dollars and ordered that 560,000 shekels in his assets be seized. Olmert was found guilty by the Tel-aviv District Court of accepting a 500,000 shekel bribe from developers of a controversial apartment complex known as HOLY LAND after which planning and zoning laws were changed, and another 60,000 shekels for another project, and sentenced accordingly.

The 68-year old prime Minister was convicted, interestingly not necessarily for crimes he allegedly committed as a Prime Minister, but in connection with the real estate deal that took place while he was Mayor of Jerusalem. The sentencing must have humbled the man who left power in 2009, following a gale of alleged corruption charges. That he is now going to prison for a bribe he took as a Mayor many years is pointer to the fact that there is nothing like just a little sin. It also tells us that no matter how long it takes to be discovered or decided, crimes should always be punished. More significantly, it is pointer to the fact that laws should be no respecter of persons no matter the status in the society.
Yes the judge acknowledged that the former Prime Minister had made a large contribution to the country, he nonetheless had no choice than to sentence him because his offences were noxious and he was guilty of moral turpitude. Under Israeli laws, this precludes Olmert from running for public office for seven years after finishing his jail term. His only hope is for his appeal to be upheld. The former Prime minister’s comportment in the court room was also instructive. He reportedly stood quietly in the court room, head bowed.
Nigerians look forward to that difficult day when one of their former leaders or even the people that are being tried now would be shown the way to prison; some of them deserve to be behind bars considering the mind-boggling corruption they perpetrated in office. That they walk about freely and even insult our sensibility with their insensitive comments and actions make our hearts bleed.
Some gullible Nigerians will being to ask questions that makes someone sick. Why starting from these persons. Why not start from this person and that person. Who prosecuting only members of these parties, why not the ruling party?
Last month, the PDP Caucus in the National Assembly said they were withdrawing their support for President Buhari on the premise that the anti-corruption agenda of the president is one-sided. The PDP caucus must be reminded of their primary responsibility of lawmaking and representation of their constituents at the National Assembly. I advise the PDP Senate Caucus not to allow political shenanigans to becloud overall national interest.
Corruption is a monster that has slowed the development of this country. We must join the fight against it. Had it been that PDP under President Goodluck Jonathan fought corruption the way APC under President Buhari is fighting the menace, I believe we would not have been where we are today. Any Nigerian no matter his status in the society caught in any corrupt practice should be dealt with. I am not a fan of plea bargaining or soft landing. Our judges should help us to deal with this monster. They should not entertain all these frivolous motions and delay tactics of some so-called Senior Advocate of Corrupt Nigerians. I believe our Judges should learn from this judge of Israel who gave this landmark judgement.

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