Friday 1 July 2016


Seek Daily NBC

Friday, July 1

Ephesians 4:25-32


Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour... Ephesians 4:25, NIV

An adage says, “Lie sells faster than truth. This may be because people cherish deception more than truth. However, Gods standard is that it does not matter how readily available and
acceptable lies are, Christians must not be a party to it. This is a call to a truthful living. Paul’s admonition to Christians is to “put off falsehood and speak truthfully to one another:” The reason for this kind of admonition is that “we are all members of one body (Christ),” (v. 25).

Determination to live a righteous and holy life will improve your ability to speak the truth always and hate lies and deception. For Christians, pleasing God is not optional, it is mandatory. Always move towards godliness on a daily basis and desire righteous living. You will be surprised how soon you will hate falsehood and declare your life for the truth. By God’s grace you can do it..

• Birthday Blessing: “The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,” says the LORD Almighty. Haggai 2:9

RBT Passage: 2 Chr. 19, 20; Acts 7:20-40

 A lie that is half-truth is the darkest of all lies. - Alifred Tennyson
Every forces in heaven,earth and under the earth shall work for your blessing. The blessing of abraham is working for you from today henchforth in jesus name. Enjoy your weekend.

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