Friday 26 August 2016

Avoid Eye Contact, Girl form rules for her Boyfriend...... See list

A young Lotto winner has ordered her new boyfriend to “avoid eye contact” with women in a long list of rules just days before he flies off to Ibiza on holiday with his mates.

Jane Park – who has herself called the list of rules "psycho" warned Connor George not to "speak to girls" while on the party island.

The 20-year-old - who scooped the £1 million Euromillions prize at the age of 17 - has also warned Connor she will be drug testing him and will be checking his phone for girls' numbers when he returns from his week-long break.

Jane has even threatened to check Connor's penis for any secret tattoos and to be on the lookout as she "may turn up" to spy on him.

He has also been told not have any pictures taken with girls and she will be keeping an eye on his Snapchat score just to make sure.

Jane posted her side-splitting list of rules on social media today with the caption: "Psycho Jane at it again".

Millionaire Jane has also designed a t-shirt for poor Connor to wear emblazoned with a picture of the loved-up couple and the slogan "If you are reading this - you are too close to my boyfriend".

Connor has joined in the fun by claiming he would "wear it with pride" when he jets off to Ibiza on the lads-only holiday next week, the Daily Record reports .

Jane's list has amused her pals with the funny social media post gathering hundreds of 'likes' within hours of going online.

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