Tuesday 23 August 2016

Na wa oooo: Usain Bolt Caught In Another Love-Mess

This guy is baddddd, lol. Just like he is good on the track he is good at changing women at will. I only wonder how his long time girlfriend will take this. Your friends, the whole world knowing your man cheats, oh dear!

New photos have emerged of Rio 2016 Olympics hero Usain Bolt apparently kissing a mystery brunette in a top nightclub after he was pictured cuddling up to a Brazilian student in bed after wild birthday party celebrations.

The Jamaican runner reportedly arrived at 1am and partied way into the early hours racking up a £1,000 bar bill which he paid personally.

While celebrating his 30th birthday the athlete took to the stage and played hip hop hits before retiring to a VIP area at the club in the Barra de Tijuca suburb of Rio.

He then cuddled closely with an unknown girl before apparently pulling her in for a late-night kiss.

One insider said Bolt was "last to leave" five and a half hours later at 6.30am.

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