Monday 15 August 2016

The Depth Of Addiction - A Love Story 45

I headed straight to my room with my plate of rice. I settled down to eat myfood while I placed a call to Bidemi. She picked at the first beep.

Bidemi: hello Femi ... happy Sunday 

Me: same to you Bidemi.. what happened? I dint see any of Adeboye's in the church today? 

Bidemi: (voice sad) yes... My dad is not feeling too well. we had to rush him to the hospital and he has since been admitted in the emergency ward...

Me: (shouted) Jesus... what happened? 

She narrated how her dad was complaining of running stomach when he came back yesterday. They had to rush him to the hospital when the doctor diagnosed that he was poisoned. I really felt for her when she said "I don't want to lose my dad now". I ended the call but not after she told me where her dad was admitted.

I rushed my food and I went to inform my parents about Bidemi's dad. They were shocked. They hurriedly dressed up and we went to the Adeboye's house. They were preparing to go to the hospital when we entered. MummyK explained everything all over again to my parents. They suggested that I stay over with Bidemi while they (parents) go to the hospital. In about five minutes time, I'm left with Bidemi. We kept quiet for a while before I managed to say something. 

Me: I'm sorry about your dad... I'm very sure that he will be alright. 

Bidemi: (tears rolling down) I pray that he would... you need to see him yesterday, he was shouting and rolling in pain.

I moved over to her and I placed my arms around her shoulder; assuring her that he will surely get better. We kept quiet for minutes until my phone rang. I adjusted myself and I brought out my phone, it's Adedoyin. I dint pick it. She called again and I dint pick again.

Bidemi: who is Adedoyin? 

Me: he's a friend....

Bidemi: if he's a he friend... why dint you pick his call? 

Me: I don't have anything to say to him; besides it's my call and I can choose which call I want to pick

Bidemi: okay oooo

We were muted for a while when my phone rang again: only that this time I covered the screen of the phone from her view. I checked, it was Sarah. I can't lie that Sarah is a "he" now. 

Bidemi: why are you covering your phone? So it's another 'he' that calls you again 

Me: (smiling) those people calling me are nobody.... and they will continue to be nobody until Miss somebody wants them to be somebody. 

I moved closer to her and I planted a kiss on her lips: telling her "you are my Miss somebody ". I told her what she wanted to hear. Words like I love you and some other sweet words. Actually, I don't search for words when trying to make Bidemi blush, it just comes naturally. Maybe it's because what I feel for her is real, Unlike with my other girls (mostly lies). She replied "I love you too". We kissed like our lives depended on it. We tangled our tongues and my hands fondled her breast through her clothes. She loosens her top button and I continued applying pressure on it. I was about lifting up her dress when kikelomo opens the sliding door. We hurriedly readjusted ourselves and hoped that she dint see us.

Kikelomo: (angry) what's happening here? 

Me: (confused) welcome back Kikelomo... 

Kikelomo: so you guys don't even have regards for anyone again... you now do rubbish anytime that no one is around. Even with the condition that daddy is...Bidemi, you still have time to kiss and flirt with a guy. I'm disappointed in you. 

Bidemi: (crying) I'm sorry... I just don't know what came over me... 

Me: it's not really her fault. I'm..... (cuts me off)

Kikelomo: (points to the door) "I'm just leaving"

I was again embarrassed by the Adeboye's. I was slowly walking out of their house like a rejected son-in-law; hoping and praying that Kikelomo would change her mind. I managed to look back at Bidemi, whose tears have started rolling down freely from her eyes. I looked at Kikelomo, she doesn't look like someone that would rescind her decision. I walked out of their living room and out of their house. 

I stood in front of their gate, trying to believe that it's was all a dream. It's no dream. I was actually sent out of the house by kikelomo but who would blame her? I summoned the remaining courage and pride left in me; I headed back to my house. Fuming and thinking: what have I not seen in the hands of the Adeboye's?. The most embarrassing day of my life was with the Adeboye's and I'm very sure that, what happened today will surely be among the worst day of my life too.

I got to the front of my house. It's almost 4pm on my wrist watch. My parents won't be coming back from the hospital till 6pm. I rushed to my room, stocked my wallet with some money and I headed for Rooftop top hotel. Today's Sunday. I'm very sure that Tunde and his friends will be there. Sometimes I used to wonder how they make a living. I really do need their company right now. I got to the hotel and I headed straight to the relaxation spot. 

I met Tunde, Ronke and their friends all drinking their first bottle. I was hailed from afar "Ikoko Ikoko". I shook hands with the guys and I pecked Ronke on her right cheek, who insisted that I gave her another one on her left cheek. I humbly gave her another innocent peck and I settled down with them. I called the barman: who later filled the table with beers on my request. 

We all drank up and chatted loudly. The gathering and the drinks was beginning to take his toll on me. I have started feeling tipsy. I have forgotten the issue of the Adeboye's. I danced azonto to all the songs played. I was really enjoying myself when until my Dad called. I have to rush away from the sound system: so that he won't doubt where I was. I picked his call.

Me: hello daddy

Daddy: hello Femi, we won't be coming over to the Adeboye's house today. Mr Adeboye has just been transferred to Luth hospital for further series of test. We are going with them. Make sure that you don't stay more than 8pm over there.

Me: okay daddy... help me to tell MummyK that I will continue to pray for them.

He ended the call emphasising that I leave the Adeboye's house before 8pm. It's now some minutes past 5pm. I rushed back to the gathering of my friends and we continued our enjoyment. It was not quite long that Tunde stepped out to receive a phone call. He called me from the midst of our friends. 

Tunde: (smiling) Femi... I need a favour from you and I will be very glad if you could help me out 

Me: (smiling) anything for you. You be my padi na

Tunde: okay... it's nothing much really. I just got a call from one of my girlfriends. She's on his way now but Ronke has been acting strangely these days.

Me: (feeling tipsy) so what do you want me to do?

Tunde: very simple and it will be a very easy thing to do; now that you are feeling tipsy.

Me: (smiling) don't mock me today... you still need my help, remember...

Tunde: I'm sorry... I want you to engage Ronke with anything you could think of. Don't let her know that I'm not around. Dance with her. Get her drunk. Just do anything that would make her mind drift away from me.
Me: that's very easy. I think I could handle that

Tunde: (smiling) I knew you could... let us go back to their midst; your work starts in about 10mins time. By then I would have disappeared. 

We went back to their midst after I had assured him that it's a piece of cake but at the back of my mind: I know that it's not. Ronke already has something for me. I hope it won't go off the hook today with Tunde not around.

We were drinking and enjoying ourselves. My phone rang. It was from kikelomo. I refused to pick; not now that I have a mission at hand. It's not upto the 10mins that Tunde's excused himself from our midst. I knew that he had already gone for his appointment. 

I'm now with Ronke and two other guys. I picked up my phone and I text her. "You look very beautiful this evening: how I wished that I could look straight into your eyes and tell you that: but Tunde & his friends are here". The message delivery coincided with her message tone. She read it and looked up at me with a thank you smile. She relocated her from her seat to my side; whispering words into my ear drum.

Ronke: (smiling) are you of what you text?

Me: sure... why won't I mean it? take look around and tell me what do you see?

Ronke: (looking around widely) just guys having fun....

Me: (smiling) so why won't I appreciate you more than the guys? You are what I say you are...

Ronke: (blushing) stop teasing me Femi.... 

Me: okay, if you say so... do you care for a dance? 

Ronke: (smiling) me and you dance? 

Me: yes... are you scared that I might beat you hands down?

Ronke: (laughing hard) beat me ke? I'm the best in everything I like. I bet that you don't stand a chance with me

Me: (smiling) is that a challenge? 

We both moved from our seat to an open space: not designed for dancing. Tunde's friends hailed us as we moved along. I'm not a bad dancer; but I'm experienced when a lady says "I'm very good at dancing". I have already defeated myself before the dance even started. She twisted her waist as if it's boneless. The alcohol I took has already started having its effects on me. I started dancing widely with her, not minding the presence of other people around the relaxation spot. I moved closer to her and I placed my hands behind her bumbum. Whenever she twisted her bumbum it hits my hand to the admiration of our viewers; who have started hailing us both. We danced for 20minutes and later joined on the dance floor with people around. It now turns out to be rowdy. We went back to our seat, with people still enjoying the music on our proposed dance floor. I went over to the barman and I paid for all the drinks that we took. Ronke suggested that we go to somewhere quiet. 

It's now getting dark. She led the way as we walked to the car park. She opened the door to what I guess to be her car. I entered without questioning her. She drove out of the hotel main gate carelessly; that makes my alcohol intake comes down a little bit. 

Me: (smiling) where are we going Ronke? 

Ronke: to a Cool spot hotel around the corner.. it's about 3/4 streets from here 

Me: okay... what of if Tunde comes back and found out that you went out with me...

Ronke: (smiling) are you scared? 

Me: not really but I don't want any quarrel with him. He might misinterpret your friendly gesture. 

She laughed hysterically and said that I should stop being childish about the whole issue. She said that she knew that Tunde had already gone out with one of his girlfriends and he's not coming back till midnight or tomorrow morning. We got to the Cool spot hotel. It's on Fatimo's street. We got out the car and she immediately booked a room that we entered together. 

The hotel is not as superb as Rooftop hotel but it's definitely on the same rating with it. She made use of their intercom and ordered for more drinks with 2 roasted chicken. While we waited for the order, we gisted about what happened at the hotel. We laughed and we took time staring into each others eyes. I'm tempted to kiss her inviting lips but the thought of Tunde kept flooding my mind. I was still contemplating whether to kiss her or not when she asked an obvious but very strange question. 

Ronke: don't you want to kiss me?

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