Sunday 6 November 2016

2016 Legislative Summit: Reps Name Dana Air Official Airline | The Nation

Dana Air has been announced as the official airline of the House Representatives 2016 Legislative Summit on Sustainable Development Goals, scheduled to hold on the 22nd and 23rd of November 2016, at the NASS Complex, Abuja.
This year’s summit with the theme ‘Understanding and Stimulating Legislative Roles and Responsibility in Achieving the Sustainable Goals in Nigeria,’ is a 2-day Summit organised in partnership with 1stDevHub Nigeria and other relevant international development and SDGs Advocate.
According to the Accountable Manager of Dana Air, Mr Obi Mbanuzuo, ‘’we are proud to have been announced as choice airline for this year’s summit and as always; we will give our best to provide a comfortable and hitch-free flight services to all the delegates.’’
Commenting on the initiative, Mrs Christina Ude, Consultant to the House Committee on the SDGs and Team Lead expressed delight at the partnership and that “the world today is more interconnected than ever before and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can only be realized with a strong commitment to national and global partnership” she said.
Speaking further , 1st DevHub Nigeria’s Senior Partner and Coordinator of the Summit, Kenneth Nwokoro mentioned that this year’s Summit is focused on improving Legislators understanding of the SDGs and how their roles impact on the attainment of the Goals in Nigeria. He stated that Mr Thomas Gass, United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Economic and Social Affairs is confirmed as the keynote speaker, Professor Kevin Urama of the African Development Bank, Abidjan will chair the event while His Excellency, Vice President Yemi Osinbajo is expected as the distinguished Guest of Honour.
Dana Air is the only domestic airline to have undergone an operational audit conducted by the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, (NCAA) and its foreign partners, The Flight Safety Group. The airline operates daily flights from Lagos to Abuja, Port Harcourt, Uyo and Owerri

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