Monday 16 January 2017


Seek Daily (NBC)

Monday, January 16



The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them. You set a boundary that they may not pass…. Psalm 104:8-9, ESV

While in Lagos for a weekend with his friend, Joe, Bobby viewed the ocean and said to his friend, “I suppose the sea would cover the whole city of Lagos one day.” Joe simply replied with assurance that such a thing can never happen because “somebody is in charge.”

Of course somebody has been in charge from the beginning, and He has never left His seat for once.

The psalmist confirmed this statement in our passage that God who created all things also set boundaries for everything He created. He is in control; therefore, nothing can go out of His hand. None of the things He created can go against His order.

As a Christian, God is in charge and in control of the situations and circumstances around your life.

If He sets the boundaries for the sea, the mountains, and they could not go beyond the boundaries He set for them, then you can rest assured that as you go through this year, God is in charge of your life, and nothing will go against you.

Look up to God who orders and controls everything. Things will work in your favour this year.

• Birthday Blessing: “In righteousness you will be established: tyranny will be far from you; you will have nothing to fear.

Terror will be far removed; it will not come near you.” Isaiah 54:14

Read Bible Through Passage: Genesis 12-15

My Lord knows the way through the wilderness; all I have to do is follow. - Charles E Fuller

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