Wednesday 29 June 2016

Yoke Up with Jesus | Harlan D. Sorrell

  1. Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, all ye who would be saved;
    You’ll find the heartfelt pleasure your soul has always craved;
    By joining up with Jesus, a member you will be
    Of His own glorious body, the church, eternally.
    Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, He is the living Vine;
    He shed His blood on Calv’ry that His life may be thine;
    All who yoke up with Jesus become joint-heirs with Him,
    And with all other Christians, who have His life in them.
  2. Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, and He will give you rest;
    His healing balm will comfort and soothe your troubled breast;
    Receive His holy Spirit: He’ll guide you in the right,
    For He will be within you a glorious shining light.
    Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, the meek and lowly One;
    Oh, learn the precious secrets of God’s anointed Son!
    Great peace have all His children, for in God’s Word we find
    They all are taught of God, and Christ gives them His own mind.
  3. Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus—all who to Him belong
    With Him are one in spirit with all God’s ransomed throng;
    There’s but one hope and calling, one faith, one Lord, one birth,
    Whereby one God inhabits one body here on earth.
    Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, He’ll graft you in today;
    Renounce man-made religions and take the Bible way;
    This is the dispensation God gathers into one
    All things in earth and heaven in His beloved Son.
  4. Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, abide in Him alone!
    The creeds of men will fail you; ye dare not trust your own;
    Naught but a full salvation in Christ, the truth, the way,
    Can give your spirit boldness in that last judgment day.
    Yoke up, yoke up with Jesus, the evening time is here:
    Probation’s day is waning, eternity is near!
    The Bridegroom soon is coming, before Whom all shall bow;
    If you prepared would meet Him, then yoke up with Him now.

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