Wednesday 24 August 2016

Rescue Marriage: Accept your spouse like Jesus accepted you

Romans 15:7 (KJV): Wherefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God.
Jesus Christ went to suffered shame for you despite your attitude and sin. He saw the good in all that filth.
He never judged you, but went on the cross so you can be made clean.

Do not give up on your spouse, because of his or her flaws. Rather, accept them and ask Jesus to help you see the good in them.
This is not to say you should accept domestic violence. Seek help from your pastor or a counsellor if it happens frequently in your marriage.
Father, help me love and see the good in my spouse just like Jesus did. Strengthen me and my spouse in this marriage I ask in Jesus name.
Action Point: Focus on the positives
Write out 7 things that make you love your spouse, read it to yourself and picture those moments of happiness whenever you feel like giving up.

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