Sunday 18 December 2016

GMO Conflicts of Interests: Bill Gates, Monsanto and Amina Mohammed as UN Deputy Secretary General. What is the Connection?

The Global Prolife Alliance (GPA), Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF); Food Sovereignty, Environmental Rights Action/Friends of the Earth Nigeria; Convener Nigerians Against GMO and other societies representing over 100 organizations including 14 million farmers, faith-based organizations, civil society groups (CSOs), students and local community groups condemned the issuance of two permits for genetically modified field trial and marketing of genetically modified organisms (GMO) crops.

The permits were: ‘Permit for Commercial Release/Placing on Market of Cotton (MON15985) genetically modified for leptidopteran insect pest resistance’ with Permit No: NBMA/CM/IM/001 and ‘Permit for Confined Field Trial (CFT) of Maize (NK603 and MON89034 × NK603) genetically modified for insect resistance and herbicide tolerance’ with Permit No: NBMA/CFT/001, by the National Biosafety Management Agency (NBMA) under the Hon. Minister for Environment Mrs Amina Mohammed. This is the reason why some have expressed concerns with the recent appointment of Amina Mohammed as UN-Deputy Secretary General by the incoming United Nations’ chief Antonio Guterres. It is looked as a payback for the introduction of GMO foods in Nigeria at the expense of the food security, health and safety of the Nigerian people. At a press briefing on Friday 16-17/12/2016 in Owerri, the CSOs headed by Academician Prof Dr Philip C. Njemanze MD, Chairman of the Global Prolife Alliance (GPA) hinted that the Federal Government (FG) should wake up to the reality of the threat posed by the forced introduction of GMOs crops into Nigeria, ‘GMOs crops pose a threat food security and national security interests’.
Along with other CSOs, Njemanze argued thatBill Gates owns Monsanto and Cargill, and Bill Gates is also the main sponsor of the United Nations anti-African Agenda, so it is logical that UN appointments especially to non-elective positions can be influenced by Bill Gates who appoints people that may have facilitated his business interests against the interest of the people of Nigeria. Similar international positions held by Nigerians thought to have been influenced by Bill Gates because of his business interests in biotechnology in Africa include UNFPA which advocates near extermination of Nigerians by abortion and contraception with funds from Bill Gates.
The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) which injects Nigerians with ineffective and sterilizing HPV vaccines to increase infertility and force women to in-vitro fertilization (IVF) clinics for human ovarian egg-pouching for Trans-Atlantic Human Ovarian Egg Trafficking by Biotechnology companies for embryonic stem cell research.
Bill Gates is a major biotech investor! The African Development Bank (Afdb) gives loans to farmers with $12 USD grant from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, with the aim to force African farmers to use Monsanto and Cargill GMO seeds at the risk of loss of national food security, health and safety. There is no doubt that Bill Gates is the main detractor of Africa with FAKE PHILANTHROPY using Nigerian faces to deliver his Greek gifts. The GMO seeds are gifts given with the intention of tricking and causing harm to the recipient Nigerians.
Poisoned GMO Fields in the River Basins?
Recently, there is a push to replicate the Songhai Model as a workable approach for organic farming as was originally conceived by an eminent Nigerian Prof. Dr Fr Geoffrey Nzamujo. However, Bill Gates has taken special interest in the Songhai Model and visited the Benin Republic for this purpose. It is thought by some that the recent push to replicate the Songhai Model in Nigeria is facilitated by funding Bill Gates who has packaged to conceal the introduction of GMO crops through this model unknown to the Federal Government. This would be very unfortunate. Could it be that the permits granted by the Ministry of Environment under Amina Mohammed cleared the way to spread GMO crops in the entire River Basins of Nigeria misrepresented as the Songhai Model?
The FG Releases GMOs Crops to Farmers
The Federal Government of Nigeria recently released 17 varieties of so-called hybrid crops such as Maize DK 777, DK 234, DK 920 of the Monsanto Dekalb (DK) brand. Even though they are labelled “hybrids” and not GMOs, the fundamental problem of dependency is not solved! Hybrids are determined by selectively cross-pollinating related plants but GMO crops are derived by gene transfer even across species. However, the second generation hybrids may not replicate the traits of the first generation leading to poorer yields. This means that the poor Nigerian farmers must go to obtain these first generation hybrid seeds from Monsanto every planting season at a cost! Experience in India with Monsanto Bt cotton monopoly shows that poor farmers could not meet the costs and as many as 250,000 committed suicide!!! The Nigerian Food Security has been hijacked! This is an ominous development and shows that the FG has not fully grasped the danger they have exposed the Nigerian people to.
Danger to National Security
Many have repeatedly said that the biotechnology companies are the real sponsors of Boko Haram and Fulani herdsmen using Blackwater and their hired mercenaries who destroy small scale farms, kill and displace the farmers as internally displaced persons (IDPs) and destroy their local seed stores. Only to later allow their eventual return and replacement of the natural seeds with GMO seeds (deceptively labelled improved seeds) from Monsanto given through NGOs and multilateral donor agencies. Blackwater is owned by Bill Gates and Monsanto!
GMOs Do Not Increase Crop Yield and Pose Economic & Health Threats
The GMO crops do not to increase crop yields both in the United States and Europe, and cause the use of Monsanto Glyphosate (Roundup) pesticide with deleterious effects on human health. Nigerian agricultural products are already banned in Europe and would be also banned in China, Russia, USA, South America and even in sister African countries if the current drive to introduce GMO and hybrid crops succeeds. One percent contamination of the gene pool with GMO crops must earn a ban of the food in most countries! The introduction of GMO crops would destroy any prospects of developing the agricultural sector as a major foreign currency earner. The push by Bill Gates and his Nigerian international protagonists constitutes a grave danger to the National Interests of Nigeria! The Coalition of CSOs call on President Buhari to immediately take protective measures to safeguard our national interests including an executive order for the cancellation of the permits issued to Monsanto in May 2016 and a decisive action to ban field trials, planting and marketing of all GMO crops and products in Nigeria. All seeds must be natural and local. Nigeria must aim to be the World No. 1 organic food exporter, a title now contested by Russia.
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!
Press Release was signed on-behalf of the coalition by:
Academician Prof Dr Philip C. Njemanze MD
Chairman, Global Prolife Alliance (GPA).

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