Saturday 30 April 2016


Seek Daily (NBC)

Saturday, April 30

Luke 21:33-38


"Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to... stand before the son of man." Luke 21:36, NIV

Living righteous life can pose great pleasure. The pressure of the world and temptations within can stretch us to a great extent. The enemy is always seeking to overwhelm and crush us with the anxieties of life and the way of this world that was why Jesus told His disciples that they would experience intense pressure. The pressure to abandon righteousness would come when we misunderstood, hated, rejected and persecuted for doing what is right.

Jesus charged His disciples to watch and pray in order not to be trapped. (v. 36). We can receive strength to live faithfully by committing ourselves to a God who is always faithful. We cannot purse righteousness by our won power ( 1 Sam. 2:9; Jere. 17:5). A believer must be devoted to prayer or else he or she would quic0kly get over-stretched and weighed down by this world. Take time today in prayer to ask God for grace to live a victorious life.

Pray with this: He raiseth up the poor... and lifted up the beggar... to set them among the Princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory... 1 Sam 1:8

RBT Passage: 1 Sam. 29, 30, 31; Luke 22:1-27

The world will always give you the opportunity to quit, but only the world will call quitting and opportunity. -Clint Brown
Bless others by sharing, Build your life by reading and reflecting on it.
I decree and command outpouring of divine favour and promotion on you today. Good day and enjoy your weekend.

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