Across the shore lines, the green passport comes with a lot of questions and eyebrows raised about one’s nationality. I love being a Nigerian despite the views and reputation we hold outside here. I have had a few of those unpleasant moments and I know many people who have had rough encounters too.
Some of the sarcastic comments I have received include “So you are a Nigerian”, “You Nigerians” and on fewer occasions, these comments have the f-word attached to them!
Sad, huh?
That notwithstanding, it is not a limitation!
Let me share one experience that readily comes to mind…
This neighbour, unknown to me, thought I was some unschooled individual, hustling street babe meddling with God knows what or maybe I smuggled my way through, probably looking for greener pastures.
Then one day she saw me pulling over in the drive way, and mustered the courage to walk up to me. “Hi”, she said. “Hi”, I responded with a smile.
“I never knew you could drive!” I raised my eyebrow as if to say, ‘excuse me’. “I presume you are schooled or are you?” Another question that got me thinking…why do people have weird ideas about others?
Why do people enjoy stereotyping while they hate being labelled themselves?
And finally, she continued, “I never knew Nigerians could be _______”. You wouldn’t imagine the next phrase.
I was in no mood for a fight in defence of my heritage. It is a well known fact that Nigerians are some of the most brilliant, most industrious, most entrepreneurial people in the world. Needless to say, not every Nigerian is into one naughtiness or the other as the media claims.
I don’t like being in the spotlight, especially if the aim is to make me minced meat all because of my green nationality.
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