Monday 29 August 2016


Seek Daily NBC

Monday, August 29

1 Kings 3:3-9


God said, “ask whatever you want me to give you.” 1 Kings 3:5, NIV

One good turn deserve another, so they say. Solomon displayed a unusual giving ability when he offered a thousand burnt offerings on the altar for God. He did what has never been done before in the history of humankind. How easy is it of slaughter a thousand animals the same day, none stop? That was a sacrifice
of energy, time and patience. God saw this; He knew Solomon’s sacrifice was not just a gift of animals, but an offering of his complete self.
Solomon got a blank cheque in return for his generosity. He was told to ask for whatever he wanted by the Creator of heaven and earth Himself. The One giving Solomon an offer was bigger than anything Solomon could ever ask for because He made them all. He can deliver. Many times people read this passage and wish they were the one being offered such an opportunity like this. They, however, cannot do what it will require to get Solomon’s kind of offer. God has not exhausted His ability to give beyond measure, but He is only waiting for what you will do to provoke Him to doing same for you. lf you do an unusual thing for God, He will do the outstanding for you.

Birthday Blessing: You love righteousness and hate wickedness; therefore your God has set you above your companions, by anointing you with the oil of joy. Psalm 45:7

RBT Passage: Ps. 118-119:1-72; 1 Cor. 7:25-40

The true meaning of life is to plant trees under whose shade you do not expect to sit. Nelson Henderson

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