Sunday 28 August 2016

Relationship Tips: 5 reasons why dating the ‘Baddest’ in town is a bad idea

Normally, very few people would like to be in a relationship with a grouchy individual. Who wants to deal with the incessant moodiness and dour posture?

Most people would rather be with people who know how to have a good time –the baddest, coolest gang.
Regardless of how much spice fun-loving partners bring to relationships and life in general, sometimes they are not as awesome as they are cracked up to be.

These are five reasons why it isn’t always great to date the baddest partner in town:
·      If you are the kind of person who has a lot of drama going on in your life, what you really need is someone who helps keep the drama at level that is safe for both you and the people you interact with on a daily basis. As such, you need a partner who knows how to look at issues with some level of seriousness, at least 70% of the time. Fun-seekers may not be able to help sort out your life when you really need them to.
·      You could end up being the one making all the sound financial decisions in the relationship. What your partner may be interested in is going on one adventure after the other, which could grate on your nerves quite strongly.
·      At the beginning of the relationship, your partner’s lifestyle will be enthralling because a whole new world seems to have been opened up to you. With time however, you may not be able to keep up with their escapades and they may see that as a sign of your lack of interest in them, which may not be the case.
·      Fun-loving people can turn out to be loose talkers. Who knows how many of your intimate secrets will roll off your partner’s tongue when they have had a drink or two? And you probably cannot tell them how their actions hurt you, they might just dismiss it and say ‘it was only a joke, luv’
·      There is a bigger room for jealousy, that green-eyed monster, to rear its head. Your partner will have too many friends they hang out with late into the night; you may not have what it takes, emotionally, to dismiss every one of those friends as ‘just a mere friend’.

Author is Dede Williams

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