Sunday 28 August 2016

Solving Marriage Issues: Patience, humility and gentleness will stop quarrels in your marriage

Ephesians 4:2 (NIV): Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
A word spoken from a gentle spirit will quench any anger. Most times, in a bid to tell our own side, we let go of our composure and say hurtful words.
Gentleness can be learnt through constant practice and with the help of the Holy Spirit.

It takes a humble person to apologise for wrong done. A humble person knows how to esteem others highly.
A humble person accommodates contrary opinions, is teachable and does not think he or she is right all the time.
Patience is a virtue that is lacking in this fast paced world of ours today. Everybody wants it now. Fast internet, fast cars and so on.
Patience empowers you with the ability to delay gratification or an action despite numerous pressures to do otherwise.
If you want to see less strife and confrontations in your marriage, practice these virtues.
Dear Father, help me to be patient with my spouse. Teach me to be humble and patient all the time in Jesus name.
Action Point:
No disagreement should lead to a fight. Identify the things that trigger your anger , whenever those things show up, take a deep breath and start laughing. Laughter calms the nerves down. 

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