Thursday 22 September 2016

Honeymoon Destroyer: These 3 things might ruin sex on your honeymoon

In a previous article, we listed the things you must absolutely do during your honeymoon.

One of the things we listed, one which several couples actually look forward to, is good, romantic sex.
It is not ridiculous to say that good sex is a big component of every good honeymoon experience.
However, these three things might ruin sex, and in essence, the whole honeymoon for you and your partner.
playHoneymoons are exclusively romantic periods (Pinterest)


This is usually the problem for some men, as they fail to relax and as a result, fail to perform well during the sexual intercourse, or in some extreme cases, they won’t even be able to do anything.
This might bring about tension between the couple, and the tension might escalate and ruin the honeymoon as a whole.
The best way to avoid this is to speak to your partner. Couples should know that its ok to fumble your way through sex, especially at the beginning. It gets better with time, but for that to happen, the parties need to relax.
playHow to enjoy the best honeymoon (NaturalHairBride)

Lover’s fight

One of the things that happen in any relationship, and of course in marriages is fights.
According to sex expert, Dr. Madeleine Castellanos“If you fought on your honeymoon and went to bed angry, that could be a red flag.
"Many people want to avoid the conflict of having a discussion or disagreement."
"If left unresolved, anger has a way of turning into resentment, which has long-term negative consequences for … sex”
You should avoid this by all means, and if by chance one comes up, you  and your partner should end it quickly; else, your honeymoon might just end up being a waste.
playHopefully, nothing comes up to ruin your well-planned getaway (Our Wedding)

Your period comes unexpectedly

This is actually quite unlikely, but not impossible. Especially for women with irregular menstrual cycles, there’s a chance that your period might just decide to show up against normal timing, and literally make a mess of things during your honeymoon.
There isn’t much to do about this, really, except hope and pray that an ‘act of God’ doesn’t disturb your well-planned, eagerly-anticipated exclusive wedding 'after-party'.

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