Saturday, 8 October 2016


Seek Daily NBC

Saturday, October 8

Matthew 7:19-23


“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Matthew 7:21, NIV

Do you ever wonder why we have many churches and members today without a commensurate transformation of our society; how we have many teachers of the Word, but little change in the world? The answer is in our attitude to obedience. Many
Christians obey God when it is convenient and do otherwise when the cost is high. Obedience to God has no substitute. It is our positive and active response to what God says and it is the foundation to a continued and enjoyable fellowship with God.

God has not lowered His standard concerning obedience. Today’s passage makes it clear that church activities, ministry exploits, giving tithe and offering and so on cannot take the place obedience occupies in God’s heart. One would think that working for God should be an automatic ticket to heaven, but Jesus says He would deny many on the Day of Judgment because they have not walked with Him in total trust and obedience. Let your obedience be perfect today for Christ to acknowledge you on earth and in heaven.

• Birthday Blessing: What man is he that feareth the LORD? Him shall he teach in the way that he shall choose. - Psalms 25:12

RBT Passage: Isa. 52, 53, 54; Phil. 3

God wants us to take our free will and turn it in His direction and say, “I will.” Joyce Meyer

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