Tuesday 22 November 2016

The GM of LASEPA, The Lord’s Chosen Church And the Tenants of 45 Anjorin Street Lawanson

I am really sorry to disturb you on this matter but I want my voice to be heard.
The tenants of 45 Anjorin Street Lawanson surulere took a notice to LASEPA on the 15th of Nov,2016 that our caretaker let out the ground floor of a residential building to The lords chosen church.

The GM of LASEPA(Hon Rasheed Shabi) presided over the meeting between the tenants, the caretaker and the church and issued a verdict(Please see attached pic 1) that the agent should desist from letting out the residential building to a church and refund their rent. However, to our surprise we received a letter from the church on the 3rd of November,2016(Please see attached pic 2) that they will commence activities on the 6th of November,2016.
We immediately alerted the GM via SMS,E-mail and a physical visit was made to the agency on the 8th of November,2016 to submit the letter to the GM .The GM claimed that someone interceded on behalf of the church to allow them worship but he didn’t relay the conditions he gave to the third party and the church. He promised that the monitoring team will come over to seal the building the next day and handed over the case to the department that will handle it.
Uncle Jimi we haven’t seen anyone from the agency and the church has turned the compound to a crusade rally. They worship on Tuesdays and Sundays and won’t even close early up until late in the evenings and they also have their morning cry infront of the building. We have sent series of messages to the GM and all we get is “We are working on it” for close to three weeks now.We can’t sleep and our health is at stake.
We do not want to believe anyone has been compromised.
Please help us sir!!!!!

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