Tuesday 22 November 2016


Seek Daily (NBC)

Tuesday, November 22

John 7:37-43


Others said, “He is Christ. “ John 7:41, NIV

While physically on earth, Jesus demonstrated that He knew people’s deepest need for spiritual rejuvenation. He made a bold invitation to those who were thirsty to come for water that provides eternal refreshing (John 7:37-39). It was this that convinced them of His Lordship.

Obviously the world is in need of wholesome refreshing today than ever. People are living in hopelessness and desperately searching for an answer. One cannot help but be aware of the restless, parched multitudes all about, seeking to quench their thirst in a constant round of parties or in sexual escapades. Some are seriously struggling to keep up with the crowd and at the end, are always left more hopeless and disillusioned. All these point to only one fact, the need for a Messiah! Sadly, the church which God has appointed to point people to the Messiah is so busy with mere institutional businesses and doctrinal matters that it has little or no time for the assignment. What can you do to point people to the Messiah? If you can start it today, you will be a recipient of the overflowing abundant joy the Lord promises.

Birthday Blessing: “... his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder and his yoke from off thy neck. Isaiah 10:15

RBT Passage: Ezek. 35, 36; James 3

I couldn’t imagine my life without getting to know God. He knows me, He created me. He should be known. - Robin Caldwell

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