Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Nigerian ladies reveal crazy things guys do that push them away

Just what are the things that guys do that make women take several steps backwards, things that push them away from guys?

Nigerian ladies express some of the most frustrating, annoying, and hardly-acceptable things Nigerian guys do, either consciously or unconsciously, which get them [the ladies] stepping away as far as they can.

In a similar post published on Pulse Nigeria's Instagram feed, we previously asked men to list the things women do that scare them away, and we got some amazing responses.
playWhat are the things men to that push ladies away (PulseNigeria247/Instagram)
With over 600 responses on the Instagram post published on January 8, 2017, most ladies listed infidelity, lies, cheating, and double-dating; suggesting a crazy level of unfaithfulness among Nigerian men.
We also found and were able to compile some really interesting responses such as this one gotten from a user, wildlingsbeddings who complains about the way Nigerian guys "start with the whole attention and communication, then [make everything] die like a smoke in fire."
augiechichiLazy thinks it's uncool that some men"can't pick up their stuff, treating their wives like maids."
jisola333 has an issue with men who conclude that a woman has money just because she does not ask them, andit makes her angrier when those men "conclude that you have enough to feed them and start asking you for money stylishly. And before you know it, they start saying "I thought you said you love me" like a chorus to a hit song..."
"Lazy asses," she calls them.
playMany Nigerian women believe that Nigerian men are cheats and an unfaithful lot (Above the Law)
Valzema says, "getting drunk, keeping late nights, unfaithfulness. I'm yet to see a Naija man who doesn't cheat"
princessspizy1 explains her hate for improperly-groomed men by commenting "picking their nose in public view and glare. Talking and giving people a saliva bath. Poor hygiene. E.g, dirty boxers, unkempt nails, torn socks.
"These [are the the things Naija guys do to piss me off] in no particular order," she adds.
playSome women can't even stand badly-groomed guys (Fotolia)
sardaunas_daughter believes Naija guys need to drop the "nonchalant attitude / carefree lifestyle towards [any] lady [in their lives]"
crystal.el_brown actually had us laughing out loud, she expresses a serious concern when she says, she's not so impressed "when a man says come to my house after chatting with a woman for two seconds."
playGuys that play FIFA? That is a no for some women (Madamenoire)
She asks, "Nigga, do I look homeless?"
And another user suggests that playing FIFA 17 is one of the things that piss her off about naija guys.
We reckon not too many guys will agree to change their FIFA 17 playing habit though!

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