Wednesday, 1 March 2017

Clinical Pics of Mom, Son & Fiancee Who Are All Doctors

A doctor and husband-to-be Jaii T, shared the photos on his page and described how amazing it is, to have the two wonderful women; his mum and wife-to-be, in his life and always there for him:

"It is a remarkable feeling to be in the presence of both my mother and wife to be, the two women that potentiate my drive, ambition, and consistently reinforce my goals. I can't even express the magnitude of respect and appreciation for the sacrifices and hard work undertaken by them in order to facilitate our accomplishments! Honouring my queen⚕! This family will save your life! @dr.livv, @dr_jaii & Mommy #drjaii #familybusiness #familyaffair #mommylovesher #youngmama #blessed #medicine #medstudent #doctor #nurse #emergency #surgery #neonatology #cardiology #medschool

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