Tuesday 11 July 2017

Paul Pogba Pushes Female Journalist Into Swimming Pool (Photos/Video)

Manchester United’s record £89million, Paul Pogba pushed a female journalist into swimming pool after he and Romelu Lukaku beat her in rock, paper, scissors game.

Pogba, along with Man United’s new £75million signing Romelu Lukaku, have been doing a series of interviews with ESPN.

Paul Pogba pushes journalist into swimming pool

As the above video shows, Pogba and Lukaku decide to have a quick game of rock, paper, scissors with a journalist.

After counting to three, the duo both opt to present a pair of scissors, while the reporter makes the paper symbol with her hand.

The two Red Devils stars therefore won the game out rightly. To celebrate his victory, Pogba suddenly launches the journalist towards the pool and pushes her in.

He then takes great pleasure in laughing at the soaked woman while Lukaku looks altogether a bit more shocked.

Watch Video:

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