Friday, 17 June 2016

How To Maintain Healthy Relationships : 4 things you should NEVER tell your partner

If you’re in a long-term relationship or married, you should leave some things unsaid. Words are like arrows; you might end up hitting the wrong target, so be extra careful at where you aim.

We're putting up some statements and phrases that marriage therapists consider deadly to your relationship.  The sooner you take them off of your vocab list, the better in terms of your relationship.

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Maintaining a healthy relationship should be void of hurtful words

1. "You are acting just like your mother."

When you too are in an argument, just focus on your partner and yourself. Comparing your partner to your in-laws isn’t fair or funny. It diverts the topic from your problem at hand.
Bringing in outsiders in personal matters isn’t a pretty sight no matter the nature of your relationship. It’s symbolic of your inability to tackle the issue with the end result that you thrust it on someone outside your relationship. Everyone deserves benefit of the doubt.

2. "I think you’ve put on some weight."

Blunt, negative remarks to your spouse about his or her appearance are out of line. If you notice that your partner is gaining weight or getting fat, be constructive about it and help them in the process of getting back in shape and being healthy again, instead of being extremely critical about them and making them fall into depression or feel less of themselves.
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Leaving without proper goodbye hurts

3. "You don’t need to wait up for me."

"This seemingly innocent remark suggests you are not going to bed at the same time, a habit that can be damaging to your relationship”, said Robyn Wahlgast, a dating and relationship coach for women.
"You should view shared bedtime as a way to strengthen your connection with your partner — it’s a powerful form of physical intimacy, with or without sex," she said. "Saying OK to separate bedtimes enables behaviors that destroy intimacy, such as solitary porn-watching and flirty messaging with friends or co-workers.”

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Don't degrade your partner in public

4. "I really hate it when you do that…" (said in public, especially around friends and family).

"Bringing your spouse down in front of others is a huge no-no in a relationship, said Becky Whetstone, a marriage and family therapist in Little Rock, Arkansas. "It makes them feel humiliated in front of others – others who know them – and by their own partner, not any outsider."True love, respect and appreciation demands wholeheartedly that you defend your partner no matter what – especially when it gets rough.
They count on you most of the time to defend them so if you fail to do that, how do you think that would make them feel? Sure, you do not have to like each and everything your spouse does. But nonetheless, that does not, in any way, give you the right to just negate whatever they did or said in front of people, you know? You have to stay on each other's team no matter what because it’s you both up against the world.

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