Thursday 23 June 2016


My daddy is living with me and as part of my custom, most times when I am coming back home at night, I always buy something for him & for my children. My son who has seen how I buy things for my dad almost every day, asked me ' Daddy, you always buy something for gradpa most time when you are
coming home...'. I told him that; that was how grandpa too used to buy things for us his children when I was like you and he was like me. After, 2 mins of meditation he said, 'okayyyy dad. it means that when I grow up like you and you grow up like grandpa, I will be buying things for you too when I am coming from my office...'. I shook hand with him & told him, you got it boy!, you got the equation. Now let me use this to pray for someone reading this. As you are taking care of your children today, the Lord will preserve your life, you will grow to old age and they will grow up to take care of you at your old age. Your children will take good care of you in your old age in Jesus name.

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