Friday, 10 June 2016


1st of all, DON’T SELL YOUR PRIESTHOOD , we have
been set apart wholly for God’s service and use. It
means to be set-apart from sin unto God. who have
trusted Christ as “holy ones,” as “those who have been
set-apart for His special use” (1 Corinthians 1:2;
6:9-11). Otherwise, according to verse Heb 12:14, we
would never be able to see him! The moment we put our
trust in Christ, God made us holy in His eyes. verse 14
says, “Make every effort…to be holy.” In other words,
you ARE set apart for God’s special use. Now, learn to
behave like it.

have an inheritance! And just like it did for Esau, that
inheritance includes the promises of God. That’s why
verse Heb 12:15 says, “See to it that no one misses the
grace of God.” In other words, don’t fail to claim God’s
gracious promises for yourselves. Don’t fail to trust God
to keep His word in your life. Years ago, an old Native
American, half naked and starving, wandered into a
western settlement. He was begging for food to keep
from starving to death. The townspeople graciously
gave him some bread, and as he devoured it someone
noticed a pouch hanging around the Native American’s
neck. It was a small, dirty pouch attached with a
brightly colored ribbon.
The Native American explained that it was a charm
given to him in his younger days. He opened the pouch
and displayed a faded, greasy paper. One of the
townspeople picked it up and discovered that it was a
regular discharge from the Federal Army! It was signed
by General George Washington himself, and it entitled
the bearer to a pension for life.
Do you know, that’s the way some of us believers treat
the promises of God. We hang them around their necks
or on our walls in beautiful plaques, but we fail to claim
those promises for themselves. And so we walk around
in spiritual poverty most of our lives, not knowing how
rich we really are.
DON’T SELL YOUR POWER as a child of God. He has
given us the ability to keep the bitter root of sin from
taking hold in our hearts. That’s why verse Heb12:15
says, “See to it…that no bitter root grows up to cause
trouble and defile many.”
In Genesis 27:35-37 the bible records: And he said, Thy
brother came with subtlety, and hath taken away thy
blessing. And he said, is he not rightly named Jacob?
for he hath supplanted me twice: he took away my
birth-right; and behold, now he hath taken away my
blessing. And he said, Hast thou not reserved a blessing
for me. until then, no one conceived the idea of
Abraham having a child. But as soon as God made his
purpose concerning the yet to be born Isaac Satan
moved. Today, the descendants of Ishmael are
contending for the blessing- the promised land- with the
children of Israel. believe they have the birthright to the
In Christ, we are holy, blameless, righteous and above
reproach (Eph 5:4; 2 Cor 5:21; Col 3:12; 1 Cor 6;19).

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