Someone once said, ‘Be careful what you wish for in your marriage because if wishes were horses, beggars will ride’. If marriages were created to be truly happily ever after, love will certainly be everlasting. Even though present marriage vows say to love ‘For better or worse till death do us part’; in reality today, it could also means ‘I will only love you only if you love me back.’
When love fails
Perhaps your marriage once began as a loving relationship and today it suddenly looks like you are trying too hard to put the puzzles together in your relationship as all the pleasures you once shared have suddenly vanished and you now feel like strangers living together, you certainly aren’t alone. One of the challenges facing many couples today is the lack of affection and intimacy in their marriages. Falling out of love with a spouse is a disturbing experience which can also come with a great feeling of rejection.
When love is lost
A marriage relationship goes through many stages which can affect individuals in several ways. It is at this time that characters, emotions and commitments are tested and many couples give up in the midst of the pressure. When you redefine the meaning of love in your marriage, it is only then you will realize that love is not an emotion and telling your spouse you love her doesn’t mean that you both understand the true meaning of love at the beginning of your marriage.
True love is expressed in everyday actions when there are no dedicatory demands, it is therefore important that you feel each other’s pains even when you don’t always agree or understand each other.
The truth is real love is not based on feelings alone but a choice you have to make which requires your individual efforts. When you truly love your spouse, it is easy to ignore the mistakes he makes and begin to justify all his actions rather than allow him to take responsibilities and make amends.
Signs of true love appear on a daily basis but on the other hand, love can be expressed in the things you do for each other. You know your spouse loves you when he takes care of you and understands your pains. But when the role begins to fade off many years into the marriage, you start to feel neglected and lonely and it is not unusual to stop loving him too.
Although the sparkle may have faded from your marriage and you no longer feel the way you felt when you got married, it is certainly not the end, it may even be the beginning of better days to come in your marriage..
If you have been insensitive to your spouse’s needs and you know you have taken her for granted for too long, it is not too late to ask for forgiveness. Try to put yourself in her place without being hypocritical and offer an encouraging words that reflect you truly understand her feelings too.
Do your best to bring back what you once had, so that you do not throw the good times in your marriage away. If many couples today take this very crucial step, it will break the negative pattern that brings too many marriages down today.
If you have been insensitive to your spouse’s needs and you know you have taken her for granted for too long, it is not too late to ask for forgiveness. Try to put yourself in her place without being hypocritical and offer an encouraging words that reflect you truly understand her feelings too.
Do your best to bring back what you once had, so that you do not throw the good times in your marriage away. If many couples today take this very crucial step, it will break the negative pattern that brings too many marriages down today.
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