Saturday 17 September 2016


Seek Daily(NBC)

Saturday, September 17

Isaiah 40:15-20


To whom, then, will you compare God? What image will you compare him to? Isaiah 40:18, NIV

All humans who have experienced the saving power of God will totally agree with the above verse- the incomparability of God.
Just like we were made to know, during yesterday's devotion,
that His wisdom is matchless, today's passage reiterates the fact that all powerful nations of the world combined together, with their idols, cannot in any way, be compared to the living God. In like manner, the Lord expects everyone who has encountered Him to regard idols as nothing; for there is only one living God.

If a person's hopes are actually laced in any other apart from God, he/she is an object of pity. Friend, you have to come to the point in your life that God alone will be your sufficiency. It is only then that you can say you have started living.

Jonah 2:8 says, "Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs." Do you know that there are treasures and graces that could make life's journey more meaningful, which you have forfeited, because you still put your trust in someone or something else? You need not bear those needless pains; only look up to Him and trust totally in His ability.

Pray with this: I will give you a full life span. Exodus 23:26

RBT Passage: Eccl. 10-12; 2 Cor.7

Never did a believer in Jesus die or drown on his voyage to heaven.- Robert Trail

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