Thursday, 8 September 2016

Mind Hack: 101: How to get the most out of your mind [Part 1]

Yes, I want to enrich my life but where do I start? How do I begin? THINK! And it’s no joke. You may just be disappointed now. The all-time secret of creating the amount of success you desire traces back to your thoughts. They are the building blocks of all magnitude of success you can find around you.

Thinking can be quite an arduous task. Some people will do anything to escape thinking. I hear somebody say, I think always and my life is not better? Well, let me make you understand the kind of thinking I am referring to. I mean the conscious kind of thinking, very focused towards solving a problem.
This kind of thinking is not day dreaming or by any means fantasising. Fantasising is a mere flicker sooner or later it all fizzles out. It does not endure to the point of actualization. It is not strong enough to drive you towards success. Successful thinking makes vivid imaginations of an expected outcome in your head, shutting out distracting images.  It involves fully employing your mental faculty in getting desired results.
Now whatever your condition is like, you have no excuse not to succeed. You can write a book from all your excuses for all I care. Wake up and get a life! I have not seen a successful person who had excuses of how he made it; no he always had reasons to succeed.
Just for emphasis, many people have gone ahead of you to succeed, some were even rated as underdogs, underprivileged name it, they had no computers, no social security, no internet, no apps yet the attained staggering amounts of success, why can't you achieve the same feat too.
Life requires you to think out solutions for yourself. Life is no Santa Claus, it is a rude employer, you just have to stand up to it and bargain your full wages or anything will be thrown at you. Fess it up a friend.
Knowingly or ignorantly you are creating every second of the day. In a short time or longer time your realities suddenly become the thoughts you harbour in your mind. Negative thoughts keep you stuck.
How? It gives you all probable factors that will hinder you from doing what you want to execute, we go through that cycle again, and we create inner limitations in our minds about what we want to do.
Now this is the picture, you look like you have been wrapped around with some tape each time you doubt. Can you picture Lazarus in his grave cloth? It invariably becomes even harder to break out from your enclosure.
When you keep reassuring yourself of your abilities to perform, you tear down any barriers insight. Thinking of your goals just the way you want it, creates motivation that makes you take practical steps to execute them. Everything points out more success lies ahead of you.
This imagery drives you on to reach out for more. Successful thinking draws up strategies to win if it does not yield expected results, it pulls in and gives a better shot at a goal. Yes, satisfaction accompanies that massive strike at the goal.
It is counterproductive to ponder on the opposite of what you desire. You want a sunny day to go outing but you carry an umbrella just in case it rains.
You think is a backup plan, you are only paying more attention to rain, therefore, giving it high chances of falling so you can put your umbrella to use. Or in another example, you want to wear a clean shirt to work but you hold thoughts of avoiding a coffee spill on your well-pressed shirt, sadly enough you earn the stain.
Learn to focus on the desired outcome excluding the unwanted. That is just how to engineer your thoughts to produce just the kind of results you want to see.
Always take steps that show you are headed in the direction of your goal. If you are thinking of graduating from college, go buy an application form, prepare for the exams and hold positive thoughts of acing the exams.
There are very slim chances you will not make it through. Think good thoughts and make good plans to succeed. Your little steps towards success will one day bring you face to face with success, so you can literally embrace it. From me keep succeeding.
ARTHUR, INIUBONG is a critical mind, with a deep interest in pop culture, fashion, music, and entertainment.  He loves reading books from 48 Laws of Power to Rich Dad, Poor Dad. An emerging pragmatic writer and speaker. Also a student of entrepreneurship and programming.

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