Monday, 5 September 2016

Punny Drug Smugglers Sent $56 Million Worth of Coke to a Coca-Cola Factory

When you’re choosing a place to hide your $56 million drug stash, why not just go for the joke?
Employees at a French Coca-Cola factory found massive bags of cocaine hidden within a shipment of orange juice concentrate this week, according to the New York Times. The drug shipment was a whopping 370 kilograms, which made it officially one of the largest drug discoveries in France. It had a street value of 50 million euros or $56 million, according to prosecutor Xavier Tarabeux, who called the shipment a “very bad surprise.”
“The first elements of the investigation have shown that employees are in no way involved,” Jean-Denis Malgras, Coca-Cola’s regional president, told the news website Var-Matin.
Maybe it was meant as a throwback to Coca-Cola’s original formula that contained coca leaves and kola nuts, but either way, we see what you did there, drug smugglers.

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