Friday 11 November 2016

Weirdest reasons why Nigerians broke up with their partners - Opinions

Meet. Fall in love. Engage in PDA. Fight. Break up. Move on. Repeat.

As heartbreaking as that might appear to you, it is a significantly accurate representation of how the dating and romance game in Nigeria works in this age.
Break-ups are indisputably part of how relationships go around us. We see it, hear it, and experience it’s painful effects. We move on.

After moving on, and healing from these hurts, people often have time to reflect on how the relationship ended, actions and words are replayed, and sometimes the awkwardness of some of the things said just leaves them baffled.
Omotola, who resides in Ibadan says she once heard a lady who broke up with her boyfriend because he was too caring.
playA woman reportedly walk out of her relationship because her lover has a son who speaks english wrongly (How Africa)
This sounds similar to what Busayo, once heard, too.
Busayo says the lady chose to breakup with the guy because “he forgives all her wrongs and still decides to be with her even after she cheats on him countless times. She says she can’t be with him because she is too good.”
Ladies and gentlemen! Imagine being dumped because you were just being really nice to your own sweetheart. What a shame.
For Fatima, she and her boyfriend broke up after he ignorantly said ‘stool’ and ‘stood.’
That mistake was apparently one too many for the Lagos-based lady.
We also got a response from Fuad, a creative writer, who says the most ridiculous he’s ever heard is that of a lady who broke up with her boyfriend because he had a young son who spoke English language with ‘Ibadan accent.’
To worsen it, Fuad says, “the man was also terribly, terribly broke.”
There is also one case found on Twitter where someone suggested that a woman got dumped because she pressed toothpaste tube from the middle.
Uh-oh, we wonder how this couple will explain this to people who ask them.
So, we wonder, what is the most ridiculous reason you’ve heard people breaking up for?
Please drop your comments in the section box below.

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