Wednesday, 14 December 2016


Seek Daily (NBC)

Wednesday, December 14

Acts 1:21-26


Then they cast lots, and the lot fell on Matthias... Acts 1: 26, NIV

God’s work is sacred and not meant for anyone that does not meet God’s unchanging standard. Today’s devotion passage outlines for us the biblical order for anyone to partake in God’s
work. There is need to pay attention to these revelations, especially in our time when choice of where to serve is often based on human connection, physical appearance, academic qualification, ability and other human factors. For the Apostles to fill the vacant position of ministry left by Judas Iscariot they:

1.         Selected two disciples based on their faithfulness in following Jesus - they were not novices, but matured believers with evidence of spiritual growth and Christ likeness (w. 21-23).

2.         Presented the two to God in prayer for divine scrutiny and approval since He knows the heart of all men and the task is His own (v. 24).

To be qualified to serve God acceptably today, one must be a consistent follower of Jesus and live to please God always in all things. Keep doing your best at the appointed time and God will gladly choose you for a noble task.

Birthday Blessing: Wait for the LORD and keep His way. He will exalt you to inherit the land... Ps 37:34

RBT Passage: Joel 1,2; Rev. 4

The lust for power is not rooted in strength but in weakness- Erich Fromm

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