Sunday, 5 March 2017

Nigerian Government Rejected British Offer To Rescue Chibok Schoolgirls

British armed forces has revealed it offered to attempt to rescue nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram, but were rebuffed by Nigeria’s president at the time, Goodluck Jonathan..

In a mission named Operation Turus, the RAF conducted air reconnaissance over northern Nigeria for several months, following the kidnapping of 276 girls from the town of Chibok in April 2014.

“The girls were located in the first few weeks of the RAF mission,” a source involved in Operation Turus told the Observer.
“We offered to rescue them, but the Nigerian government declined.”
The girls were then tracked by the aircraft as they were dispersed into progressively smaller groups over the following months, the source added.

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